

Morning snack : milk, cereal, tangerines; Lunch: millet rice, tomato beef meatballs, shredded chicken with bell peppers, Chinese broccoli, loofah and winter melon soup, blueberries, cherry tomatoes; Afternoon snack: homemade pork buns, rock candy pear water; Allergy-friendly meal: winter melon beef meatballs, tomato winter melon soup


Morning snack: yogurt, assorted cookies, green grapes; Lunch: sesame rice, minced meat stewed eggs, oyster sauce mushrooms with pork slices, stir-fried amaranth, duck and taro soup, bananas, grapes; Afternoon snack: scallion pancakes, pumpkin millet porridge; Allergy-friendly meal: braised pork, stir-fried pea strips with pork.


Morning snack: Milk, purple rice cake, banana; Lunch: Quinoa rice, pearl meatballs, stir-fried loofah with egg, sautéed baby bok choy, chicken soup with wood ear fungus and goji berries, green tea, blueberries; Afternoon snack: Homemade red bean glutinous rice cake, honey pomelo tea; Allergy meal: Breakfast: One egg, stir-fried pork with loofah

早点:酸奶、花式饼干、红提;午餐:三色炒饭(虾仁 培根 鸡蛋 杂菜)、白灼基围虾、 菠萝牛肉粒 、奶香土豆泥、菠菜炒蛋 、甜豆胡萝卜 、小烧麦、山药鸽子汤、草莓、黄圣女果;午点:卤鹌鹑蛋、冰糖荸荠水;过敏餐:蜜汁叉烧、三色炒饭去虾仁、炒菠菜、鸽子汤

Morning snack : yogurt, assorted cookies, red grapes; Lunch: three-color fried rice (shrimp, bacon, egg, mixed vegetables), blanched prawns, pineapple beef cubes, creamy mashed potatoes, spinach scrambled eggs, sweet beans with carrots, small dumplings, yam pigeon soup, strawberries, yellow dragon fruit; Afternoon tea: braised quail eggs, crystal sugar water chestnut drink; Allergy-friendly meal: honey-glazed barbecue pork, three-color fried rice without shrimp, stir-fried spinach, pigeon soup.

早点:牛奶、桂花糕、青提;午餐:海鲜乌冬汤面(海参 鸡胸肉 开洋 鸡毛菜 )、蜜汁叉烧、小笼包、红提、小橘子;午点:羊角包、苹果山楂水;过敏餐:鸡肉毛菜乌冬汤面

Morning snack: milk, osmanthus cake, green grapes; Lunch: seafood udon soup (sea cucumber, chicken breast, kaiware daikon, choy sum), honey-glazed BBQ pork, xiaolongbao, red grapes, mandarins; Afternoon snack: croissant, apple hawthorn drink; Allergy-friendly meal: chicken choy sum udon soup.

Wonderful last week

Make children happy every day

In addition to the delicious and balanced lunch every day, the children are also participating in the “May Fourth Movement”. The school ensures that children who are studying all day can taste five special snacks and four kinds of fruits. Milk, various juices, and yogurt are also daily drinks that children love.

  • High quality milk !

  • 4 kinds of fruit everyday!

  • Every kids will try to different fruit everyday


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